Princess Party for my Princess
Last year was a very challenging year for our family. We lost 4 babies, and my 4 year old daughter had to learn to live life without mom because I was either immobilized from morning sickness, bed rest, hospitalization or physical restrictions. Then dealing with the idea that she lost 4 siblings. It kills me every time people say "she's young she doesn't understand it like you think she does". I KNOW it's not true, I see her understand it better than many adults.

Last year was the first time Donya was so excited to have a birthday party with her friends. Thankfully our loved ones helped make her b-day happen. Mommy was not too involved, because I physically was not suppose to move. I wanted to make it up to mostly myself. She was thankful with the party she had. Made me love her that much more.
As soon as I started walking after the we lost the triplets, I knew I wanted to do something for Donya. I love planning parties and what better than to plan a Princess Party to get my head busy from the darkness we had walked through to bring a smile in my little sunshine's heart.
Ideas were endless, unlike time and resources. I had so many things I wanted to make. I just had to stop myself. Maybe a Princess Party II might happen just to be able to make the other things that were calling my name.
So there was princess food planning! "What do princesses eat" asked one of the moms. I don't know! It must be relatively healthy, and yummy on top of the theme.
I made a thin Kabob Digi in 2 cookie sheet pans. Once cooked, I used a star cookie cutter and cut out meat stars to top my wands. On the sticks I made fresh tortellini (store bought) in home made pesto put on skewers. The kids were impressed and loved eating them.
The night before Donya and I cut fresh bread with princess cookie cutters to prep them for grilled cheese sandwiches. Of course a hit!
I made Salad olovieh to be eaten with the bread cut outs that were left over. What wasn't eaten I dried and made bred crumbs with. No loss just cuteness!
I also made the orzo feta salad from the Salad swap, as well as the cabbage salad and the Summer Squash and carrot ribbon salad. The ribbon salad really takes a good hour to make so I threw it in the food processor and had IT Do my fine chopping! Done in 5 min! YAY!
For dessert. OH Dessert. :) I made princess cookies (with Sugarbelle's basic sugar cookie recipe and RI recipe)!
Rapunzel Cupcake ice-cream cones (I got the idea from an empty link on Pinterest). I used Royal Icing to decorate the cones.
As well as fruit princess wands. Watermelon w Concord grapes (seedless), raspberries, and local farmer's market organic strawberries. Basically anything in season that can be on a skewer.
Lastly their 2nd DIY activity: Cake decorating!
I was lucky because each little girl had a different favorite princess. I went to the Disney Store and bought a princess figurine pack so I was very excited! Perhaps more than some of the kids!
My original thought was to make mini cakes, to put the figurine in the cake (after baked) and make the cake the skirt of the princess. Then I would let the girls decorate their princess skirt. That was a bit much to prep 6 different colors and decorations to go with each princess.
So scratch that.
Then I made it a LOT easier on myself. There were 2 little princes, and the rest princesses. The kids were all accompanied by their moms so we had supervision, motivation, and pretty good kids so it made it easy!
The cake recipe was from Glorious Treats' Perfect Vanilla Cupcake Recipe. The only modification I made was add Chia seeds and cut back on the sugar a bit from .75 cup sugar to .5 cups.
I doubled the recipe and made 2 six inch pans of cake and 1 8 inch pan. Whenever I had some left over I would pour them into the icecream cones.
I made and froze the cakes about a week before the party. It made my work load easier as did it make it easier to ice on the party day.
I had a mini tin of decorations mixed for each Princess. (to avoid germ sharing and any broken hearts). Then sprinkles were in the sprinkle shakers that were on the table and shared by everyone.
There were heart decorations, pink anything would work, and some gummies are just yummy :) Any left over candy I put in a tiny bag and let them take home with them. I would have thrown it away anyway.
As far as gifts for the royalty to take home with them were princess plastic cups. I had about double the quantity, so there were some for everyone to use at the party, then in a second cup I placed their goodies. I had a princess pencil, their princess, their princess cookie, stickers, sticker "earrings", princess rings… a few other things princessy.
During the beginning of the party, while the court gathered, I had a table set up with crafts to make their crowns. Anything shiny, with foam adjustable crowns I found at the dollar store. YAY! They had fun.
The big adventurous day ended with moms and munchkins watching Tangled. It was fun, relaxing, and a blast.
I hope this inspires you to cook up your own princess party for your little princess.
That looked like so much fun! You did a great job with everything! I would have loved to have been there. My favorite princess is either Ariel or Jasmine :)
ReplyDeleteThanks Polaris! You could have been on the table decorating too, Jasmine was available! ;) I seriously would love to do it again. There are so many ideas I didn't try. My favorite Princess is Aurora (taken by Donya) I loved the music, Donya loves pink ;). Belle is not too far behind. xxx
ReplyDeleteI just recently logged back into my blogger account, so I'm just now seeing this. You are such an amazing mom and chef/party planner extraordinaire! I love that you make the time to beautify everything. I bet Donya loooved this. Oh, and I think Aurora is my fave princess too!
ReplyDeleteI just pinned this for future use. Such a beautiful party! You're an AMAZING mama! :)